Thursday, September 5, 2013

English Club First Meeting Activity

It's all about greeting!
I'm so excited in the first day meeting with English Club participants, yet so nervous. In my school where I work, we just have 5 class with about 30 students each. So, I don't expect for too many students that interest to join English Club.

My expectation was right, for the first meeting, we have just about 20 participants and there's just two boys. They call me "Miss Vicky" if we're meet in English Club activity, and I told them that I'm their friend, facilitator, not just teacher in our extracurricular activity.

They haven't known any other yet, so I  decided to make a mainstream greeting, and a mini game to make them remember the whole class' name.

The "mainstream greeting" section is just like the mainstream greeting; I told all the students to stand and introduce themselves one by one. I ask them to told us their name, their class, their hobby, their dream, and their motivation to join English club. Students look not too exciting to do this section. Anyway, their mainly motivation to join English club are their wish to be fluent in English.

After the mainstream greeting section, I copy one of the methods that I found in Youtube days ago. Here is the video

Yup, i used that "word chain game" and modified it to be a "Remembering your friends' name" but with same methods. I brought a little panda (It's stuffed toy, exactly. A tiny doll) because i have no toy-ball to throw.

Firstly, I ask the students to make a circle, and I throw the stuffed panda to one of them, randomly. Then I ask them; "show me which is Imelsa?" and the student who catch the panda should throw it to someone whose name Imelsa, and its going on.

Student start to excited to this game, especially when I change the question to another detail one, like: "Show me, your friend whom want to be a movie director?" If they focus when the mainstream greeting section, they will guessing true. But if not, and they make three mistakes in guessing friend, they will be punished. The punishment is to singing in the middle of circle.

The students look so excited. They laughing and singing, some was blushing red while singing. after that, I try the word chain games too, and some students who fail in this game, was punished and they should perform a girl-band-like-dancing in front of class. Our afternoon was full of laugh.

Hope next meeting will be fun too.http://eemoticons.net

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