Monday, November 25, 2013

Missing Lyrics Game

First thing first, I wanna tell you that our club is dominated by the girls. Yes, our English club. In some previous post you may see the pic of boys joining our club too, but they really just suddenly come when our activities seems interesting for them. They just come and go.

So, the club that dominated by the girls will love the activity that seems girly too. After cooking, watching cute movie, last week we've played missing lyrics game. I gave them the printed lyrics that missing in some part, and their job is to complete the lyrics.

Dara and I picked two songs; "Bad Day" from Daniel Powter and "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars. Since there aren't too many songs that 'safe' enough to listen (songs nowadays dominated by love, party, broken heart etc) this two songs are perfect.

I officially fall in love with the second song; "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars. Let's check the lyrics:

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three, I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two, and you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

If your tossin' and you turnin' and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three, I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two, and you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye
You know you can count on me like one, two, three, I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two, and you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you...

This song has playing well with the words. It's perfect for listening and missing lyrics gaming, specially for high school grader. This song tell us about friendship and there are idioms too, we can translate and interpret it after listening. Well done, Bruno Mars. You did it great. Thank you :p

Using Facts as Learning Media

Tujuan utama proses pembelajaran adalah membentuk mereka yang nantinya akan terjun ke masyarakat. Ke dunia yang sebenarnya. Ke dunia yang awalnya hanya mereka lihat melalui buku, layar komputer atau televisi. Karena itulah, siswa seharusnya tidak hanya belajar memelototi papan tulis, menulisi kertas dan membaca buku. Mereka juga harus tau bahwa segala hal yang mereka pelajari di buku, juga terjadi si sekitar kehidupan mereka.

Memberi contoh adalah salah satu cara yang efektif untuk membuat teori yang abstrak menjadi lebih kongkrit. Dalam pelajaran sosial, biasanya hal ini lebih mudah digunakan.

Di kelas Ekonomi saya contohnya, saya mendapatkan momen yang tepat di pertengahan Oktober lalu. Ketika materi berjalan dan sampai pada materi HUKUM PERMINTAAN, PENAWARAN dan HARGA, kebetulan momen idul adha menjelang, dan pedagang hewan ternak dadakan menjamur di pinggiran jalan. Fenomena ini saya manfaatkan sebagai media, agar para siswa tau bahwa HUKUM PERMINTAAN dan PENAWARAN betul-betul terjadi pada prakteknya.

Saat itu, saha menugaskan mereka untuk mewawancarai para penjual hewan ternak. Mereka harus cari tau bagaimana tren perubahan harga sebelum atau sesudah momen Idul Adha. Pada akhirnya, mereka dapat menyimpulkan bahwa banyak hal yang dapat memengaruhi harga, permintaan dan penawaran.

Fakta adalah media belajar yang paling efektif. Libatkan siswa untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis fakta yang terjadi, maka teori yang guru ajarkan tidak hanya sebatas tulisan di kertas. Dan juga, belajar dari fakta itu menyenangkan! ;)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Easy Way to Make a Word Puzzle

Pada postingan bulan Oktober lalu, saya pernah bercerita bagaimana saya memberikan game pada siswa berupa word puzzle, semacam game cari kata (klik disini) Permainan semacam ini cukup efektif untuk mengisi waktu setelah semua materi selesai disampaikan, sembari menunggu jadwal ujian sekolah sekaligus me-recall istilah-istilah yang mungkin akan keluar pada ujian selanjutnya.

Setiap pelajaran dapat menggunakan jenis game yang satu ini, khususnya pelajaran-pelajaran yang menuntut siswa untuk menghafal istilah-istilah tertentu.

Cara membuuatnya mudah, hanya dengan menggunakan aplikasi pengolah kata seperti Microsoft Word, dan viola! Tidak sampai satu jam, anda akan menciptakan media belajar original buatan anda sendiri.

Here's the steps:

  1. Buatlah tabel dengan jumlah kolom 20 dan baris 20. 
  2. Blok tabel, klik kanan dan pilih "table properties" dan ubah size menjadi 0.3"
  3. Setelah kotaknya terlihat rapi, tulislah beberapa kata (istilah, nama tokoh, dan sebagainya) sekitar 10-15 kata
  4. Lalu, tempatkan kata-kata tersebut secara random baik vertikal maupun horizontal. Penulisan secara diagonal juga akan membuat permainan lebih seru.
  5. Setelah menulis 10-15 kata secara random, copy tabel tersebut ke dokumen baru. Ini akan menjadi kunci jawaban.
  6. setelah kunci jawaban aman, isilah kotak-kotak yang kosong dengan huruf yang super random
  7. Finish!

Monday, November 11, 2013

It's not as simple as you think

So many people (specially in my country) underestimate this kind of occupation; being a teacher. Our lifestyle here made us more excited to have a job which can make a lot of money such as actrees, banker, doctor, etc.

Some people said that being a teacher is  the most enjoyable job, because you can have a lot of holiday (when school was on holiday too) and you don't have a tight schedule. You can go home early when the school time is over.

It's true, but I can't agree with them who underestimate my job. It isn't as simple as you think. My duty is about my students, and their future. Their attitude, their habits. And beside that, I have administrational duty too. And I usually hadn't any time left to do this at school, and it makes me took all that thing as a home work. Lately, I feel kinda frustrated with this thing, yet feel excited at the same time.

Hope I can get through all this thing.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Unexpected Tragedies

Baru saja masuk minggu pertama bulan November, aku dikejutkan dengan beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi seharian ini. Dua siswa dari dua kelas yang berbeda berhasil menguji ketabahanku dengan masalah kesehatan; dua duanya membuat gurunya kelimpungan dan bingung. Menuntut pertolongan pertama.

Keterampilan untuk menjadi guru ternyata beragam, guru mau tidak mau harus siap pada situasi-situasi tak terduga semacam ini; bagaimana apabila salah satu siswanya sakit atau terluka? Haruskah mengorbankan KBM untuk menangani satu siswa tersebut, jika sekolah belum memiliki dokter khusus? Apa yang harus guru lakukan ketika siswanya mendadak pingsan? Atau sakit perut? Atau asma? Atau terluka, berdarah? Tugasku tidak terbatas pada buku, kertas dan papan tulis. Tapi juga kotak P3K dan kasih sayang.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mid-term Depression

Its been so long since I'm not updating this blog, and all I can blame is this; mid term depression. Mid-term tests were held in October, it made me nuts when I should make the printed quiz. But its not finished after that, I should check the students' answer, give them grade, and write all their grade in a ledger. For total 300 paper to check!

Exhausting, eh? Yeah, and I'm kinda stressed. But in another way, I love it too.

The mid-term depression was fading away now, but I should prepare for principal assessment coming this November! I'm kinda nervous. I should remake all the administration system and try to be perfect when principal (suddenly) came into my class and watch me while I'm teaching.

Maybe it will make this blog update delayed, but I still try to write whenever I could.

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